Nonprofit Status Verification:
Mission Statement:
Our Community is strong when it’s united. The American Rohingya Society in Houston is a non-profit organization as defined by section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue and Services Code. Its purpose is to come to the aid of Rohingya, and provide friends of Rohingya with valuable information about Rohingya history, culture and traditions. For Rohingya, through the dedication of each one of us,this Society will offer outstanding community support and effective help to those who need it among us. The main objective of the Society is the SUCCESS of the Rohingya Community as follows:
Strengthen relations between members of the Rohingya Community in Greater Houston and surrounding areas.
Understand our community needs and offer community support and effective help.
Coordinate social, cultural, and sport activities to promote our community’s cultural heritage.
Communicate our community news, views, and positions on local and Rohingya issues.
Enhance mutual understanding between our community and other communities.
Share Rohingya culture, traditions and values with friends of Rohingy.
Succeed in building a strong Rohingy Community.
Transparency Policy:
The American Rohingya Society in Houston is a United States of American non-profit organization that abides by all federal, state, and local laws and regulations. All received donations and expenses are submitted to the IRS for their records.
Our books are open to any member, US entity, or US government agency for review. To have a copy of any document please email us and we will be happy to accommodate your request.
The American Rohingya Society in Houston does not receive any help or donation from any agency or government. All donations are collected from events and individuals, and redistributed for specific events and projects.
All board members are on a volunteering base, and none of them get any sort of compensation or gain. Any question regarding this can be addressed to the president of the organization (
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