Kualalumpur December 26, 2016
OIC Special Envoy to Myanmar Syed Hamid Albar says this results in more children being born, boosting the 50,000 population in Malaysia

SELAYANG: The government needs to create a “special system” to manage the growing number of Rohingyas in Malaysia, said Syed Hamid Akbar, OIC Special Envoy to Myanmar.
He said there are 50,000 Rohingyas in Malaysia and the number is growing as many of them start having children at an early age.
“They marry early and have a lot of children. We don’t want the children to be exploited by any criminal groups for their purpose,” he said after giving food aid to about 200 Rohingyas.
The event was held at a Rohingya education centre for the community in Selayang.
He said a new approach was needed to manage the Rohingya community.
“So far, I am glad to hear the home ministry is looking into it. I hope they have a policy on refugees.”
He said a proper registration system would make it easier for the Rohingya community to get jobs.
The former foreign minister said cards issued by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees only indicated they are refugees.
He said Malaysia had allowed them to come into the country on humanitarian grounds.
“But if we’re allowing them, we need to structure ourselves properly so that they can get healthcare, go to school and have other rights.”
On health matters, he said the government needed to have a system so that it would be easier for them to register in public hospitals.
As for education, Syed Hamid added most of the children were given classes on Islam and followed the Bangladesh school syllabus.
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